The Hypocrisy of “Free”: Unpacking the Double Standards in Software MonetizationThe illusion of “free” software by Google et al comes at the cost of personal data and spam, yet independent developers are criticized for…Jul 4, 2024Jul 4, 2024
Fed Up with Daily MFA Codes? Meet MFA Multi-Factor Authentication!Fed Up with Daily MFA Codes? Meet MFA Multi-Factor Authentication! Discover how this extension simplifies your security routine.Jul 1, 2024Jul 1, 2024
Insist on Using about:inspect to Debug Node.js? It Just Got an Upgrade!Insist on Using about:inspect to Debug Node.js? It Just Got an Upgrade!Jun 29, 2024Jun 29, 2024
Save $377.40 every month on cloud spending by using this free tool!DISCS is a new feature of BrakeCODE that allows you to seamlessly suspend cloud compute instances to disk in order to save on cloud vendor…Mar 21, 2021Mar 21, 2021
Node.js Diagnostic ReportsUsing the diagnostic reports feature of NiM is pretty straight forward. This tutorial will explain the steps assuming you’re already a NiM…Dec 27, 2020Dec 27, 2020
AUP, ToS, and Privacy PoliciesWhen GDPR took affect a few years back I really didn’t pay a whole lot of attention to creating these documents until it directly affected…Dec 23, 2020Dec 23, 2020
Bridge to Ngrok tunnelsRecently I decided to use Ngrok while developing a new application locally. It consisted of a webhook which is meant to be called from the…Nov 30, 2020Nov 30, 2020
Inspect Node.js With Grunt-SWATCH (!watch) And FiveoI know, I know… the socket in the cover picture isn’t really the type of socket we’re talking about in this post, but I’ve been…Aug 20, 2019Aug 20, 2019
LightGallery Plugin for NodeBBI just started using NodeBB about a week ago. A project came up that required the use of a forum and being that I have such an affinity…Aug 15, 2019Aug 15, 2019
Missing Node.js Source TreesA while ago I wrote a post about DevTools missing the source tree…Jul 28, 2019Jul 28, 2019